Salary concept, what is the salary.
Human Resources / / July 04, 2021
Encyclopedic definition:
Money, generally monthly, that a worker receives for the services he renders in an institution, company, etc.: base, salary without taking into account premiums, seniority, etc.; minimum, amount fixed by law, which must be paid as a minimum to all active workers.
Synonyms: Salary, remuneration, remuneration, wages, emoluments, pay; removalĀ
In economics, the price paid for work. Wages are all those payments that compensate individuals for the time and effort devoted to the production of goods and services. These payments include not only the hourly, daily or weekly earnings of manual workers, but also the weekly, monthly or annual income of the professionals and managers of the Business.
To these regular income must be added the premiums and extraordinary payments, premiums for risk, night time, dangerousness index or overtime, as well such as the fees of the liberal professionals and the part of the income received by the business owners as compensation for the time spent on their deal.
In inflationary periods the real value of wages may decrease, although their nominal value increases, because the cost of living increases faster than monetary income. Wage withholdings to pay income taxes, Social Security payments, pensions, union dues and insurance premiums reduce the real income of employees workers.