Poetry Example: Free Verse
Drafting / / July 04, 2021
Is named Free verse to the verse that may have variations in the metrics that are made at the discretion of the poet.
These mixtures are made by the poet, allowing him to express his thoughts without the limitations established by the exact use of the meter of each type of verse.
These veros are characterized because they do not rhyme, and the verses without rhyme are finally polymetric, always by the free will of the poet.
Example of poetry in free verse:
Example 1:
I only do it to the end, I know it will end
The cruel torture of your betrayal of me
on a near horizon,
my sadness will disappear at last
with the oblivion that I deserve so much.
Example 2:
You are the company with whom I speak
suddenly alone.
The words that come out of the silence form you
and from the dream tank in which I drown
free until waking up.
Author: (Xavier Villaurrutia, Reflejos, 1926)
Example 3:
On the snow you can hear the night slip
The song was falling from the trees
And behind the fog they shouted
With one look I lit my cigar
Every time I open my lips
I flood the void with clouds
In the port
The masts are full of nests
And the wind
moan between the wings of the birds
The Waves Rock The Dead Ship
I on the shore whistling
I look at the star that smokes between my fingers.
Author: Vicente Huidobro:
Example 4:
A good ending
The wind blows in your face
The light reflects his face
The sun warms your body
The day outlines its end
The child plays at home
Father works
His mother takes care of him and takes care of him
There is a royal family.
Example 5:
Walking down the street
Walking through life
Walking in the world
Walking next to you
Walking to live
Walking to the end
Example 6:
A long day
A short night
A beautiful dream
A crude reality
A life expectancy
A cruel reality
Finally everything ends well.
Example 7:
As lightning begins the day
Working continues the day
Resting the afternoon passes and
Sleeping spend the night
A life always has a moment for everything.