Cine Negro Example
Movie Theater / / July 04, 2021
Noir film was born from the illegality product of the crisis during the 40s, it was developed especially by immigrants in the United States, having as main theme the gangsters and the mafia, creating a dark environment full of mysteries and crimes that accentuate the immorality; generally they are films in which the behavior of the gangster is not judged or explained and neither are given sociotechnical reasons for its sudden appearance, and it is for all these reasons that it receives the name of cinema black.
His main influence was the German Expressionist movement; One of its most important characteristics is that black film productions only filmed at night to achieve the desired setting and were helped with the use of chiaroscuro and screen fragmentation to achieve images of suspense.
The main film noir directors were:
- Fritz lang
- Robert Siodmak
- Billy Wilder
- Howard hawks
- Otho Preminger
- Edgar ulmer
- Kart Freund
The most representative actors of this genre, who within their characters became men without feelings and against the moral and social order, were:
- Humprey bogart
- Richard Widmark
- Robert Ryan
- Robert Mitchun and James Caugney