Example from Islam
Religions / / July 04, 2021
The Islam It is currently the religion with the largest number of faithful around the world with a total of 113 million people professing it; to the faithful of Islam they are known as Muslims, I term that comes from the word Muslim, which means “He who submits to Islam and the only God (Allah)”.
The Muslims They are divided into two large branches:
The Schiites or Shiites
The group conformed by the fundamentalist muslims who defend the position that, the spiritual leader must be a successor of Muhammad by blood, that is, the Caliph.
The Sunnis
Are the traditional muslims, that is, those who believe in words and actions, this group represents the numerical majority of the people Muslim and they have the belief that the successor of Muhammad must be an honest person, attached to Koran.
The Koran, which means "The Word", "The Message" or "The Reading", is the sacred book of the Islam and it is made up of a collection of legal-religious sayings and phrases that do not recreate a story, but rather the message of God on how to live and manage the world; The
Koran cannot be considered as an equivalent of the Bible for Christians, nor of the Torah for Jews, since the Koran It is not only used as a religious code, but also as a civil code.Muhammad, is the founding prophet of the religion islamic, he was born in the year 570 of our era; At the age of 6 he was already an orphan, so he was left in the care of his uncle, becoming a merchant. He married a widow named Khadijah. Muhammad he did not know how to read or write, so the elaboration of the Koran is considered a miracle by the faithful islamic; Muhammad he wrote the Koran based on what Allah I dictate being in some caves.
Muhammad he was not welcome in the city of Mecca (Economic and political center of Arabia in the 6th century, the city was protected by the tribe of the Koreischitas (the Kureis), who were in charge of taking care of the Kaaba, a sacred temple where the 360 idols are deposited, it was a pilgrimage place where they worshiped their gods) and he was expelled from it, taking his way to Medina, where he was invited as a wise man and the Koran he was adopted by the townspeople of the city.
Mecca Y Medina began a series of disputes that would lead them to the 8-year war that would culminate in 623, with the entry of Muhammad to Mecca, where he would restore the cult of the city, thus achieving, in the year 630, Mecca surrender to him.
Muhammad dies at 62, leaving Arabia unified politically and religiously.