Biography of Francisco I. Log
Biographies / / July 04, 2021
Francisco Indalecio Madero, who was the initiator of the revolutionary movement that would lead to the overthrow of the dictator Mexican, Porfirio Díaz, was born in 1873 in the town of Parras, in the state of Coahuila in Mexico.
Born into a wealthy family, Francisco I. Log he studied abroad, in France and the United States to be more specific; His experiences outside of Mexico led him to realize the precarious situation in which a large part of the Mexican population lived and he adopted a democratic ideology.
Motivated by carrying out a social reform, he registered as a contender for Porfirio Díaz in the presidential election, the ability to Log as an argumentative and charmer of the masses, they led him to be considered a danger to the Porfirian government, so he was arrested and taken to prison in 1910, declaring himself Porfirio Díaz as the winner of the electoral contest once again.
Francisco I. Log He was released and settled in Texas, United States, where he had the opportunity to organize the Mexican Revolution by drafting the document known as the "Plan of San Luis", in which he invited the Mexican people to request the resignation of Porfirio Díaz in order to begin a new period of democracy and Liberty.
Defeated, Porfirio Díaz, decides to resign as president of Mexico and is exiled in Paris, where he would die years later; after the dictator's departure, Log he has a new election held in which he is the winner and is named president of Mexico.
After 15 months of government, Francisco I. Log he is betrayed by General Victoriano Huerta, who represents the group of dissatisfied revolutionaries with the social and political reform led by Madero, who established a regime of freedoms parliamentarians.
The uprising of those who had once been his allies, led to the overthrow of Log as president, remaining in his place Victoriano Huerta who ordered his assassination in 1913.