Sample Letter of Intent for Master's Degree
Cards / / July 04, 2021
It is important that when you write your letter of intent for a Master's degree, you focus on the requirements that the University asks of you. Usually the letter of intent your central idea is to put in writing why you want to do the Master. It is important that you know that you must be completely calm, and that when you write the letter, you start by doing it as if you were talking about your reasons to a person or people you know, obviously it must be with all respect and with correct words, it is say; Without so many technicalities and clichés, if you are from another country, then do not make the mistake of justifying yourself by saying that you want to do it to flee on the contrary, express an intention that an ideal candidate, since his preparation will serve to enrich his social environment and cultural.
A Mastery letter of intent should not be impossible for you to do, basically because It is like any other letter with respect to its form, as content if it is different but specific.
I add an example of a letter of intent for Mastery, this type of letter you can adapt it to your profession. Also take into account that they usually request a certain amount of pages so I invite you to ask the minimum and maximum to deliver.
Example of a model letter of intention to pursue a master's degree:
Mexico City, July 10, 2011
Dr. José Narro Robles
Rector of the Autonomous University of Mexico
Directorate General for Postgraduate and Master's Studies
The undersigned, Ángel Barradas Torres, National Identity Document D.N.I. N'.288479, File N'58964, Civil Engineer, has the pleasure of To contact you and through you to whom it corresponds, in order to request the Master of Construction, which is carried out in this High House of Studies.
The present originates from the fact of perfecting and developing my profession in this specialty and projecting myself in the field of construction... (In this part you can list or section, all the intentions that you have or want to carry out at the end of the mastery that you have chosen one.)
Nothing to add. Receive a cordial greeting.
Ing. Civil Angel Barradas Torres