Workplace Harassment Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The harassment letter labor, is a letter of complaint that is addressed to the personnel manager or the hierarchical superior; If in a remote case it is the chief of staff who is the harassing person, this letter should be presented directly to his superior.
This letter is used basically in private or internal nature of the companies, and when this complaint is must present to an authority another type of different format is carried out and it is another process different.
Job harassment letter:
April 24, 2012
C. chief of staff
My name is María Ambris Pacheco, my worker number is the following: 452689; I have been within the company for 6 years, and I currently work in the payment dispatch department.
I hereby make the accusation of Mr. Juan Pérez Pérez, who works in the area of personnel management and account with an attitude of sexual mobbing, in which he makes me a victim of attitudes and slights, which damage my integrity and space personal.
In the short time that she has been working in the department to which I am assigned, she has demonstrated acts not typical of an employment relationship.
For this reason, I present in this document a formal disagreement with the attitude of Mr. Juan Pérez Pérez.
In the same way, I make a formal request for anonymity for myself and I ask for the discretion that the situation warrants.
Thanking you for your attention, I await your prompt and discreet response, I say goodbye to you.
Maria Ambris Pacheco