Sample Reconsideration Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A reconsideration letter is written with the purpose of expressing to an authority or person, a disagreement about any sentence, resolution or decision that she has taken, either to challenge this resolution, or because said decision affects the interests of those who nonconformity.
Sample Reconsideration Letter:
Mexico DF. October 14, 2012.
Dr. Andrés García Martínez
Dir. Science Faculty
Autonomous University of Mexico
Dear Dr. García my name is Juan García López with registration number 11323202; I am a student of the Bachelor of Mathematics; On September 28, I was informed that in Resolution of the Administrative College No. 123456 I had been terminated regulation for having failed a subject more than five times in accordance with article 17 of the current school regulations.
I am writing to you very respectfully for the purpose of filing an appeal for reconsideration on this resolution, in accordance with the provisions of article 134 of the same regulations and in the form and deadlines established.
It is my claim in my right to be heard, go to this instance in order to revoke said decision on the following grounds.
I am currently studying the 7th semester of the Bachelor of Mathematics with an average of 8.5, which appears in the academic record that is attached hereto; According to the current study plan, I have 6 subjects left to finish the degree, which will be taken in the next semester
For the aforementioned reasons, an additional opportunity is requested to take an exam with the commitment to pass it and to continue with my studies.
Based on these grounds, I request in the most attentive way your intervention to annul the contested Academic College Resolution.
I thank you in advance for the attention paid to this appeal for reconsideration and I await your response.
Juan García López.
Mat. 1132320
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