Explanatory Letter Example
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A explanatory letter It is a document that, as its name says, focuses on explaining something. There are a number of possibilities and we can take as an example the explanation of a work circumstance or a medical explanation about a patient or a drug.
Because it is a document that focuses on explaining, it can be directed and delivered economically (personally) or by mail, and that is why you may not have the sender details and other corresponding.
Explanatory letter example:
1 medical explanatory letter:
Dr. José Romero Virgenes
Ms. Rosalba Contreras Elizalde:
I inform you that after the surgical intervention to which her daughter Rosalba has undergone, she will have to avoid physical exercises for a period of six months, and it is convenient to explain that since it is a routine appendix intervention, care should be minimal but it does not mean that cancel.
The food should be light, such as thin broths of chicken, rice and cooked vegetables, and in the care of the suture should take special precaution, especially because of the young age of the girl and her need to scratch.
The precautions will be as follows:
- Wash the wound with warm water
- Dry with gauze (not cotton)
- Put povidone-iodine on the lesion lightly with a piece of clean gauze.
- Cover with clean gauze and glue with small pieces of micro-pore tape.
As a precaution, it should be extreme during the first 15 days, as the girl can scratch during the night while sleeping.
I hope the explanations are clear, if you have any questions, do not forget to call me for further clarification.
Dr. José Romero Virgenes
2 labor explanatory letter:
Paquemex Gifts. Anonymous Society of Variable Capital
C head of distribution
With this letter, an explanation is made for the irregularities presented during the week in deliveries to the state of Oaxaca, in which the transit of our products was reduced.
First.- the quantity of products did not correspond to the orders, this being the main cause, and this problem was communicated to the corresponding executive.
The inconsistencies corresponded to the products "Watches, memories, cell phones and cameras".
The packages did not have the complete accessories as were the instructions in the case of cameras and cell phones; in the reports, many of the capacity measurements were equivocal and in the watches they did not send the corresponding guarantees.
The supplies according to this merchandise only arrived on Thursday the 18th of this year, and they have been prepared for delivery no later than Tuesday of the following week.
Hoping to clear your doubts I say goodbye
Elpidio Gonzaga Fernandez
Delivery manager
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