Invitation Letter Sample
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The Letter of Invitation It is given in a sociable and cordial tone. They pursue the suggestion to the people contacted to make use of the invitations made. They must be written and written in a simple way so that they always have positive answers so that the invitation is attended as we wish.
It is always advisable to maintain the appropriate distances and choose the correct words so as not to overdo the tones employees and not be flattering, as too much flattery can lead to the opposite result of what we are looking for with the letter.
That is not why the invitation letter should not have the phrases of rigor and the usual compliments to invite people to the required events, especially if it is an important client.
Example of an invitation letter for a banking event:
National Bank
Street of the nº 02
Montevideo, Uruguay
February 18, 2010
Mr. D. Marcelo Gomez
Very dear sir:
I am pleased to announce that together with other clients of this prestigious company, he has been selected to attend the Inauguration show that will be offered at the Hotel Víctor Victoria on Piedritas Street, on July 28 at the 20.00.
Know that we know of the excellent quality of it and we are proud to have it together with the company's staff.
If that is your desire, you can attend with the companions that you deem appropriate.
We look forward to your company at the event.
Receive a warm greeting
Antonio Lopez Lopez
Executive Director
Example of an invitation letter from a foreigner:
Name of the authority to whom it is addressed. (or)
To whom it may concern:
My name is (put the name of the person inviting), identifying myself with (put the type of identification) and nationality (put nationality), I declare to be of legal age, a formal resident and with all the rights of (insert the country) and domiciled in (insert the full address here).
I hereby declare a formal invitation to Mr. (put the name of the guest), who will spend (put the days) as a guest in my house, counting said person with economic solvency which can be verified in the bank account statements (put the bank), of which two boucher's (or statement of account).
Mr. (Repeat the name of the guest), who is invited by me, is of nationality (put nationality), and is identified with (insert identification), and will be in this country for a period of (insert the days ex. 90) that will be counted from the moment you enter this country.
Likewise, I undertake to pay the costs and expenses of the stay, transfer or movements that may be generated due to being in this country, as well as those of their return to the country of origin.
For any clarification or movement that must be made, you can find my address detailed above and my telephone number, which is 56-XX-65-XX, from the city of (insert city).
January 28, 2014
Name of who invites
How to invite a foreigner to your country?
- Learn more at: Invitation letter to foreigner