Sample Day Off Request Letter
Cards / / July 04, 2021
A day off letter It is basically a letter of request or request, it can be found in either of these two categories.
Its structure is simple, according to the formal letter and corresponds to the administrative field.
It is addressed in general terms to the immediate hierarchical superior or the chief of staff of each company or institution.
Example of a letter requesting a day off for personal reasons:
Mexico City, June 16, 2014
Lic. Juan Antonio Roman
Head of human resources
Román y Asociados S.C
I hereby request a work permit from you and the board of directors to be absent for a day as it is essential for personal reasons.
The cause is of a family nature and as my employment contract establishes in its clause 26, I have the right to request one day off for every 60 days of work.
I appreciate your attention and I await your response.
Eduardo Martínez Rojas.
Example of a letter requesting a day off for exam:
Mexico DF. as of June 16, 2014
Ing. Leonel Mendieta Renteria
Hereby, I am writing to you to request a leave of absence from work for the 5th and 6th of July of this year, this in order to present my professional exam and conclude my career in Administration of Companies.
As it was expressed in my Curriculum Vitae, I continue studying the University career, which is why I only I work part time in this company and precisely on September 6 of this year I will conclude my training professional.
I must clarify that I must carry out various procedures, because of this I requested two more days of marge.
Waiting for your response, I thank you and I say goodbye.
Martin Corona Luna