Example of Magazine or Newspaper Tabs
Science / / July 04, 2021
The magazine or newspaper tabs They are a very useful educational resource by which the data of a publication of this type can be collected. They record and summarize, in a systematic and orderly manner, the relevant information that we will most likely use in the writing of an article, essay or research report. Most of the time, like others, the files of this type must contain some basic information such as the author, the title of the article, the name of the journal or periodical, the date of publication of the reference, the citation or information, as well as the bibliographic information of the source consulted and, if applicable, the ISSN of the publication.
Example of a magazine or newspaper file:
AUTHOR: Enríquez, Lucero.
TITLE OF THE ARTICLE: "Music in New Spain."
MAGAZINE: Mexican Archeology.
PUBLICATION DATE: November-December 2008.
INFORMATION: This article deals with the development of music in New Spain and the importance it had in the formation of the original regional identities that later would give rise to the nationalist spirit that would lead to the struggle of independence. In a first approach, the author examines the characteristics of the music that arrived with the European conquerors. Subsequently, the importance of this art in the evangelization process is described and some examples of musical pieces created by indigenous converts are given. Finally, the article gives us indications of how music was an extremely important element in shaping the then new identities of the Creoles, the mestizos and the castes. In this way, the text reaches the conclusion that music is an expression that can help us enormously in the study of the colonial culture of New Spain.
TOPIC: History of Mexican music, History of Mexico, Conquest of America.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Enríquez, Lucero "Music in New Spain" in Mexican Archeology, No. 94, Volume XVI, November-December 2008, pp. 52-59.
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