Action Hypothesis Example
Science / / July 04, 2021
The action hypothesis It is a kind of project, which is also called "action plan”; This hypothesis of action works around a question or topic and where possible variants are drawn
Collected knowledge is used and through these the action to be carried out is directed.
Do not confuse the "Action hypothesis" with the "research hypothesis”, Since the difference is that in one there is a direct action and the possible variants are given, while the other focuses on research, with variants that give different results.
The research hypothesis is made before the action hypothesis.
The action hypothesis can change some aspects in the course of its process and although its parameters change there are always aspects that are not altered and that will always be contained:
- Identify the field of action (the topic)
- Formulate the hypotheses of action, always taking the main idea and the object sought.
- Project the steps to follow (action plan)
- Take into consideration the material available and the existing human resources.
Example of action hypothesis:
Reforestation of the San Sebastián de Domínguez field
It is intended to transport a total of 25 trucks with 25º fir trees, of which there is already awareness of their previous existence in the deforested place.
Request the primary and secondary schools of the four towns near the San Sebastián de Dominges hill, to collaborate with their students in the reforestation of the area.
Form groups of ten to fifteen students, who will be supervised by forest guards and their teachers, who will be obliged to contain and order the students themselves.
Locating devices will be delivered to each of the students to avoid any tragedy or loss. in addition to that their respective teachers will be assigned as watchmen of the children due to their closeness.
The necessary tools will be simple, picks, shovels, spoons, gloves etc., which would be provided by the municipal governments of each town.
The breaks will be planned by the teachers, due to their close knowledge and closeness with the children.
The refreshments will be paid for in equal parts by the reforestation plan, the municipal government and the school system.
Evaluation of results
The results obtained from the Action Hypothesis allow the forecast of a feasible and orderly work plan that would include all the summoned elements.