Example of Medical Record
Science / / July 04, 2021
A medical record It is a document in which the doctor records the data and circumstances that his patients keep.
The medical record contains as elements the following:
- Name
- Name of family member or responsible person
- Personal habits
- Medical information
- Date
- Signature and where appropriate
- Stamp.
Example of medical record:
Mendoza Office
Health record number 235984
Av. Montes, Col Robledo Mexico Federal District
Name of patient: Mariano Landeros Cordero
Name of the responsible person: Maria Landeros Padilla
- Information of the person responsible: _________________________
- Relationship: Mother________
Personal habits:
- Smoke (yeah)
- You exercise (No)
- Consume drugs (no)
Medical information:
Have a systemic disease (no)
Have a chronic disease (no)
He suffers from an acute illness (Yes)
Specify: Lung damage from COPD
Date: August 31, 2012
Another example of a medical record:
Robledo Urban Hospital
Highway Mexico Pachuca Kilometer 23
Name of patient: Rodolfo Carrillo Cañedo
Name of the responsible person: Lisa Fuentes Mateo
- Information of the person responsible: _________________________
- Relationship: Marriage_____________
Personal habits:
- Smokes (no)
- He exercises (Yeah)
- Consume drugs (no)
Medical information:
Have a systemic disease (no)
Have a chronic disease (no)
He suffers from an acute illness (Yes)
Specify: Skin cut injury, requires 16 stitches
Date: August 31, 2012
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