Advertising Contract Example
Contracts / / July 04, 2021
A advertising contract is an agreement in which a company or supplier undertakes to advertise for an individual, company or institution, in order to promote the services, products, activities or ideals that it offers to the population in general.
It is about making what are known as commercials, which would be broadcast on posters, sideboards or various communication methods.
Advertising contract example:
ADVERTISING CONTRACT entered into by Shibunkai Karate Do Estudio S.C. who hereinafter will be referred to as "LA CONTRACTOR ”who will be represented by Mr. Fernando Güitron Herrera who has the character of representative and on the other side by Publifácil. S.A. de C.V who hereinafter will be referred to as "THE CONTATADA" represented by Lic. Rosalinda Miranda Cronweld, in her capacity as her general representative. Both parties shall comply with the tenor of the following STATEMENTS AND CLAUSES:
a) Declares "THE CONTRACTOR", having its address at Av. Revolución, number 89 col, Escalada, Miguel Hidalgo Distrito Federal. Be a school duly registered and trained to carry out Karate Do teaching activities, and require original publicity and free access to make itself known. Have your RFC (put here) duly established, and owe no tax contributions.
b) “THE CONTRACTOR” declares that it has the powers to carry out, publish and disseminate through various means the commercial notices that are contracted hereby. Have your address at Av. Chimalhuacan number 456 Colonia Escalada. Ecatepec. State of Mexico, have RFC (put here).
c) Both parties declare that they agree to carry out this contract in accordance with the following clauses:
First.- The parties agree to enter into this contract in order to advertise the “Shibunkai Karate Do” school.
Second.- A period of 45 days is established for "THE CONTRACTOR" to begin with the dissemination of the contracted material, this by the appropriate means required.
Third.- "THE CONTRACTOR" establishes as essential the following obligations to be followed:
1) Clarity in ads
2) Originality in ads
3) Quality in the preparation of advertisements
4) Amplitude in the diffusion of the announcements.
Quarter.- "THE CONTRACTOR" is committed by means of this contract to deliver the printed advertisements within a period of no more than 15 days from the signing of this document.
Fifth.- "THE CONTRACTOR" is clearly committed to this contract to give the best and widest possible dissemination in accordance with the nature of "the contractor".
Sixth.- "THE CONTRACTOR" is obliged to pay "Publifácil. S.A. de C.V ”, the amount of 96,000.00 (ninety-six thousand pesos M / N) divided into two payments, 46,000.00 (FORTY-SIX THOUSAND PESOS M / N), payment that will be made by interbank deposit (SPEI), leaving the rest (50,000.00 fifty thousand pesos m / n), which will be guaranteed by means of two promissory notes of 25,000.00 (TWENTY-FIVE MILLION PESOS M / N), which will remain in the possession of the company “Publifácil. S.A. de C.V ”, and of which there are copies endorsed to this contract.
Seventh.- The parties agree that the validity of this instrument will end once the commercial notices referred to in this contract have been published.
Eighth.- The two parties may terminate this contract in the event that any of them does not comply with the provisions of this contract.
Ninth.- If, in the event that this contract is terminated, the parties are not exempted from fulfilling any other contract that they have entered into.
Tenth.- The integral parts of this contract are unable to transfer the obligations acquired to any other person, whether physical or moral.
Eleventh.- The integral parts of this contract fully recognize the personality and rights of their respective counterparts and both parties will deliver the respective documents that certify their respective Business.
Twelfth.- In the event that situations unrelated to this contract arise, they shall comply with the provisions of the Civil Code in force in the Federal District. Thus, they also agree to exclude themselves from any jurisdiction, relying exclusively on the jurisdiction and competence of the Federal District courts; this regardless of the physical or moral address of any of the companies.
After this contract has been duly read, textually and contextually, it will be signed at the appropriate signature.
"Shibunkai Karate Do Estudio S.C." “Publifácil. S.A. de C.V "
Signature Signature