Example of an Individual Labor Commission Contract
Contracts / / July 04, 2021
The individual labor commission contractIt is a contract in which a specific job is commissioned to a specific worker; This is, then, that this worker is empowered to perform extraordinary tasks in a company.
It can be accompanied by the signature of witnesses or be written in a simple way and the worker he is fully protected by federal labor law, thus counting on all his Benefits.
Example of individual labor commission contract:
INDIVIDUAL LABOR COMMISSION CONTRACT that for an indefinite period of time is entered into by "Ecosistemplus S.A de C.V." who will be represented in this act by Mr. Fernando Gonzáles Cabrera and on the other as a worker Mr. Miguel Ángel Villatoro Valdez who will be in accordance with the following antecedents and clauses:
1.- THE WORKER Miguel Ángel Villatoro Valdez, declares under protest that he is of Mexican nationality from 30 years of age, single marital status with address at calle Aragón number 22 col Morales Delegación Miguel Hidalgo México D.F.
2.- THE WORKER Miguel Ángel Villatoro Valdez states that he has the training and skills to develop the activities entrusted to it by THE EMPLOYER "Ecosistemplus S.A de C.V." via his representative
3.- THE EMPLOYER "Ecosistemplus S.A de C.V." requires the services of personnel suitable for development of the main social objects of him mind the activity of: National sales representative and international.
4.- The worker Miguel Ángel Villatoro Valdez, declares his agreement to fulfill the requirements of the company "Ecosistemplus S.A de C.V." and establish his working conditions in which he will provide his services.
First.- The contracting company will be called "THE PATTERN" for the purposes that are pursued in this contract and Mr. Miguel Ángel Villatoro Valdez, will be referred to as "THE WORKER", both parties will remain under the federal labor law regime and the References of this contract will be called "THE CONTRACT" and "THE PARTIES" to the set of individuals who intervene in the interested in it.
Second.- The one called "THE CONTRACT" will be entered into for an indefinite period, as established in article 35 of the federal labor law, currently in force and will be terminated for any of the legal reasons stipulated.
Third.-The services established in this contract by "THE WORKER" will be carried out with the position of National and International Sales Representative, and his tasks are as follows:
- Travel and represent the company "Ecosistemplus S.A de C.V." in different states and countries. in order to inform about its ecological systems services for business and home use.
- Make and receive orders, contracts and alliances in the various places where you are commissioned to work.
- Represent the company "Ecosistemplus S.A de C.V."; exclusively and not subcontract with other similar or diverse companies without prior consent or alliance of the contractor.
Quarter.- The place where the worker will render his services will be at his Office located at Av. Madero Number 789, office 85, col Industrial, Del Magdalena Contreras Mexico Federal District.
Likewise, by its nature, "THE WORKER" will move randomly, to the places that their work requires, to do so. which will include the necessary per diem and contingency expenses, including life insurance and traveler services frequent.
"EL PATRON" is committed to communicating the transfers that he must carry out in advance, through an agenda that he will carry through an assistant.
If, in the case of a transfer to the country, the change in working hours is different, "THE WORKER" will agree to it.
Fifth.- The working day will be eight hours long or 40 hours a week and will be distributed according to the following schedule:
- From Monday to Friday he will work from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- On Saturdays and Sundays he will work from 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and if he is inside the Republic and / or abroad, their schedules will be adjusted to the extraordinary needs that require.
- '' THE WORKER '' will have at least one hour for their personal needs and a maximum of three, which may vary, depending on the circumstances resulting from the nature of their work.
- "THE WORKER" has the right to a full day's rest with payment of the corresponding salary. And the rest day is preset on Sunday, being able to change to any day of the week for reasons of the nature of the work.
Sixth.- When the case occurs that "THE WORKER" works on Sundays, "THE EMPLOYER" will pay him an extra 35% (Thirty-five percent), in additionally to the established salary, this independently of the rest day to which you are entitled, whether or not it has been transferred to another day of the week.
Seventh.- In accordance with the provisions of article 74 of the federal labor law, they will be preset as days off as well as the right to enjoy a 25% vacation premium on what was paid for Holidays.
Eighth.- "THE WORKER" may receive from "THE EMPLOYER" a capital that will have the function of the established Strenna in Article 87 of the Federal Labor Law, and which will consist of the corresponding percentage for the time worked up.
Ninth.- He will undergo the medical examinations established by "THE EMPLOYER" as established in article 134, Section X of the aforementioned law.
- This action is in order to comply with the two-way obligations of the parties.
Tenth.- "THE WORKER" will be trained by "THE EMPLOYER", if required, and in the same way "THE WORKER" will accept and undergo said preparation or training.
Eleventh.- "THE WORKER" will adjust and compromise with the safety and training regulations of the same.
Twelfth.- If it exists, "THE WORKER" will adjust to the regulations or statutes established and drawn up by the company for its workers.
Thirteenth.- "THE WORKER" shall be subject to the provisions of the Federal Labor Law in article 134, in relation to his obligations as a worker.
Fourteenth. "THE WORKER" has the obligation to punctually follow the established work schedules, and in case of delay or unjustified absence, "THE EMPLOYER" will be empowered to impose disciplinary correction contained in its regulations internal.
Fifteenth.- "THE WORKER" shall have the right to join or form a union that protects his labor rights.
Sixteenth.- The salary, compensation and commissions for the service provided are established as follows:
- Fixed base salary of $ 9000.00 (Nine thousand pesos M / N) and a 35% commission in case of extraordinary work or on a day of rest.
Seventeenth. As established in article 291 of the Federal Labor Law, this contract may be terminated without liability. for the parties, if the volume of operations is significantly or repeatedly reduced out of circumstances justifiable.
Eighteenth.- In the event that the work is mostly carried out outside the locality, it is agreed that the working hours will not exceed 48 hours per week.
Nineteenth.- The salary will be paid by bank deposit in a payroll account, previously established and will be made on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Twenty.- Existing the case and the need, "THE WORKER" may show a bond in favor of the contracting company for a maximum value of 100,000.00 (One hundred thousand pesos M / N).
Twenty-first.- The handling of money, documents, clients and movements, will be carried out according to the regulations of the company.
Everything related to the rights of the Worker and the employer, which have not been reviewed, stipulated or subjected will be subject to the Federal Labor Law.
This contract will be effective as of the next business day on which it is signed and agreed by the parties.
After having read this contract, they ratify and sign it, leaving the original at the conciliation and arbitration meeting and sealed copies will be delivered to each of the parties.
Mexico Federal District as of August 8, 2012
Firm. Firm.
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