Transaction Agreement Example
Contracts / / July 04, 2021
A transaction contract It is a contract that aims to end an existing controversy between two or more parties; in judicial terms, it is an alternative way to end disputes.
It may or may not have a commercial or economic objective, but rather it is specified to defuse the quarrels produced by a litigation of any kind.
Example of a transaction contract:
Transaction Agreement signed on the one hand by José Pérez Velásquez and on the other by Jorge Antonio Rodríguez Peña The contracting parties stating that they have agreed to enter into this contract subject to the provisions of the following statements and clauses:
First.- Mr. José Pérez Velásquez declares in his capacity as his plaintiff that on August 6, 2012, he clearly intended to enter into this contract with respect to a dispute between Personal order that has been entered into in the 5th Civil Court in commercial matters for the amount of $ 25,000.00 (twenty-five thousand pesos M / N 100/00) that would be paid on January 2, 2010.
Second.- It is stated that on December 6, 2011, the commercial executive controversy for the amount of 25,000.00 pesos, against Jorge Antonio Rodríguez Peña, who asserted that if it is his intention to settle said debt.
Third.- Seeing that being in the trial period, the signing parties decide to enter into this contract in accordance with the following clauses:
First.- By this contract Jorge Antonio Rodríguez Peña, is obliged to pay the amount of 25,000.00 Twenty-five thousand pesos M / N.
Second.- For this same contract, Mr. José Pérez Velásquez, is satisfied to receive 25,000.00 Twenty-five thousand pesos M / N. without making demand of the corresponding interests, and is obliged to desist from the actions that are being exercised in the 5th Civil Court in accordance with the right that assists him. Action that began on December 6, 2011.
Third.- With this contract, this controversy is terminated, without it existing between the parties, definitively extinguishing any action that may exist in relation to this debt.
In Mexico City on August 6, 2012
Plaintiff Defendant
Signature Signature