Mycenae And The Achaean World
Universal History / / July 04, 2021
Mycenae, located in the Peloponnese, near Argos, was founded around 1600 BC. C. by Perseus belonging to the Agamemnon dynasty. The Achaeans were characterized by building an essentially warlike civilization.
Economy: Agriculture, commerce and both textile and metallurgical industries were the basis of the Mycenaean economy.
Society: They had a political-administrative structure, society was divided between those who work in the palace as politicians, soldiers, servants, etc. and those who lived outside the palace, in the villages and engaged in agriculture or fishing.
Politics: Monarchy.
Religion: It was based on Creto-Mycenaean cults, it is believed that it is during this time that some of the most famous divinities of classical Greece and the first funerary practices are given with a sense religious.
Cultural contributions: It is the Achaeans who under the command of King Agamemnon, according to Homer, they faced the powerful army led by Hector in the mythical Trojan War.
Mycenae, is the place where for the first time the rulers seek to leave a record of their life, to be remembered and even glorified by human history.
Building a strong and powerful maritime fleet allowed the Achaeans to dominate the Aegean.