Summary Institutional Models and the Role of Social Actors
Literature / / July 04, 2021
To promote and improve competitive advantages, it is necessary that the personnel who work for our organization receive training extra within it, it is prepared to perform its functions more adequately and to face any contingency that may arise. Present.
Training is in the end one more investment for the organization, it helps it to achieve its objectives more efficiently and effectively, and consequently to business success.
It also allows employees to have less resistance to change and to more easily adopt new models or work systems.
There are several types of models, one of them is the one promoted by the government. The reading says that in Mexico a tripartite Council for Standardization and certification of labor competence was installed, which has the purpose of supporting the formation and development of a training based on competence norms and its certification; However, I consider that this model does not really apply to all companies, since a large part of them invest heavily little in the educational systems of their staff, which makes them less competitive in the market, both nationally and international.
Another model is the one that is regulated by the market, where they drive the system of competencies towards a self-directed action that allows better control and limit costs and avoid cumbersome regulations of the government. Employees are encouraged to become part of the system and are encouraged to use certification in hiring and promotion policies and practices. The problem is that in Mexico there is no commission to carry out this type of model or to help installation of the same, which causes us to continue to have a delay or a very large deficiency in our systems or processes.
The last model is the one promoted by organizations of social actors: employers and unions, where these are the backbone of the training system and market policies of job. This model includes workers who are at risk of being laid off or who have already been laid off to improve the internal and external labor market simultaneously. But it is not applicable in our country either, here everyone sees for their own interests and they are few companies that coordinate jointly to carry out the objectives organizational.
This reading allows us to understand that to have competitive advantages in the labor market it is necessary to act simultaneously, both the government and private companies and make initiatives that allow the development and organizational growth, that is, that staff increase the quality of their technical knowledge, skills, attitudes and aptitudes for optimal achievement of the objectives.