Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2014
The feasibility is a concept that takes relevance especially when carry out a draft, a plan or mission is about the thing, because it precisely refers to the probability that exists to carry out what is intended or planned to be carried out, to concretize it effectively, that is, when something has viability it is because it can be brought to fruition almost certainly.
On the other hand, when something does not have that characteristic, it can hardly be specified.
Whatever the project to be developed, it will be necessary to carry out a Exhaustive analysis of all those factors and conditions that will intervene to be able to establish in a preliminary way if it is possible to specify it in a satisfactory way.
Meanwhile, it will be precisely in this initiatory instance that one will be able to realize whether the project that he wants to undertake has feasibility or not.
Also this analysis will allow us to know if the planned project is destined to fail.
The analysis should start from a
investigation which may consist of carrying out a survey or the study of reliable statistics that exist about the plan or project to begin.Anyone who is about to launch a project must carry out this analysis if he does not want to lose everything.
For example, if we are about to launch a new line of umbrellas for women, we must first analyze the market in which we will enter and this includes knowing the inclinations of potential clients, what fabric or colors prefer, for example, and we will also need to know for sure the behavior of the competence.
Once we have determined the above, we must make a projection of expenses to know how much money we need to invest in: materials, human Resources involved in the making of the umbrellas and promotional campaign of the new brand, because we bear in mind that being a new brand will demand its installation in the market.
It is worth noting that if there are efforts, it is possible that those projects or plans that at first seem unviable can revert this condition and become possible, that yes if the efforts that the case mediate demand.
Issues in Feasibility