Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2009
With the term volume you can refer to several different issues.
First volume can be the space that a body occupies in a certain place, namely, the amount of space your matter takes up and that due to the impenetrable condition of the bodies it cannot be occupied by another body at the same time. But also volume is the intrinsic property of that matter that will allow us to distinguish one type of matter from another, a substance on the other, since they all have a specific volume.
As long as and without having anything to do with what we mentioned in the paragraph previous, volume is perception subjective a person has about any sound he hears. The intensity of the sounds will be determined by the Energy or acoustic power that passes through a surface per second, the greater the power of a sound, the greater the volume that that sound will experience of course.
The perception of any volume always follows a scale logarithmic that is measured in decibels and will be determined by the level of acoustic power that each sound has in particular.
And finally the term volume has a special importance in the field literary or in the vocabulary of those people affected by the collection and reading of books, since this term designates to the material body of a book bound, whether it contains the complete work or one or some volumes that make up it.
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