Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2011
The hypnosis it's a state generated from hypnotism (method that produces artificial sleep based on devices or personal influence), simile to the one that causes us to sleep.
State to which individual is induced by a professional, similar to sleep and used to treat trauma, other pathologies or reduce pain
An individual specially trained to do so induces another from the suggestion and transfers him to a situation of numbness to achieve a certain end, that he remembers something from the past, or that under a circumstance he feels a lessened pain, for example.
Precisely, the term hypnosis comes from a Greek word that refers to lull.
This state of mind, which, as we have already pointed out, is similar to the one that occurs while we sleep, is generated through very precise techniques of suggestion, which will be put into practice by the hypnotist, which we must highlight is a seasoned professional and prepared in the aforementioned technique.
The hypnotist, for example, is speaking slowly to him, and in this way he is taking his patient to a special state, he proposes to approach certain moments rather selective memories of his life, especially the past, or in his defect it can also instruct him to carry out certain actions that imply
physical activity like jumping, walking and even running.Now, the possibility of getting someone to enter this state, and also make them remember part of their past, among other possible issues, undoubtedly depend on the skill Y professionalism of the hypnotist and the degree of suggestion of the hypnotized.
The physiological condition in which hypnosis places the person allows it to be induced, led, to manifest differences both in their conduct as in his thoughtHowever, it should be noted that suggestion does not impact people in the same way, therefore, their functioning it will vary from individual to individual.
There are many studies that address the subject of hypnosis, while several of them affirm that submitting to the practice of hypnosis multiplies the ability to accurately recall events from the past and they also show that pain is not perceived in the same way when the person is in a trance of hypnosis, the impact of pain being much less than when it affects the person in their normal state.
Theorizations about hypnosis
Likewise, we can find a variety of theories that refer to the operation of hypnosis, among them it is worth highlighting: the theories of dissociation and neo dissociation (hypnosis triggers the separation of some integral elements of the conscience), the theory of building social or role (once hypnotized, the individual assumes a role and allows the hypnotist to create a reality for him), the theory of hyper-suggestibility (In hypnosis the subject's attention is reduced to a minimum, then, the words that the hypnotist expresses are imposed over the internal voice; therefore, hypnosis will only work on those plausible people of suggestion) and informational theory (When an individual's reception capacity increases, messages will be received with greater clarity).
Freud, a pioneer in its use
Regarding the use of hypnosis, it can be used as an accompaniment to some psychological therapy so that the patient can bring out some memories of the past that cause conflicts in the present and thus resolve them definitely.
It should be noted that the father of psychoanalysis, the German psychologist Sigmund Freud, was a cultist of hypnosis before fully developing his theory, being with the She treated her patients with neurosis with the intention of causing them to regress and thus bring to mind repressed traumas, to identify them and treat them.
We cannot ignore that for a few years, the technique of hypnosis has become a spectacle and entertainment for the masses.
An attractive show
Individuals who practice hypnosis often appear on television shows and even stage theatrical shows in which they summon people from the audience to undergo hypnosis.
The success of these presentations has to do with the mystery that the practice of hypnosis proposes, without a doubt, but also with the possibility that someone could go through a experience of this type.
On the other hand, hypnosis is used as a therapy to combat various conditions and addictions, such as tobacco, food addiction, and the treatment of anxiety and phobias.
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