Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Dra. Maria de Andrade, CMDF 21528, MSDS 55658., on Oct. 2018
The hypothalamus is a structure responsible for regulating the functions of the nervous system autonomic and endocrine system. In this way it is possible to carry out the regulation of the internal environment necessary for the adaptation of the organism to the environment, which guarantees two key aspects of the lives of individuals, such as survival and reproduction.
It is a structure the size of an almond, it is located inside the brain in the midline, just below the thalamus (hence its name) and above the brain stem.
Its various connections with various brain areas allow it to receive all the information of what is happening in the environment that surrounds the individual, as well as within, in order to carry out the necessary adjustments to adapt to the themselves.
The functions regulated by this brain structure include:
- Body temperature
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Thirst and Appetite
- Sexual activity and reproduction
- Cardiac rhtyms
- Adaptive responses to stress
- Emotional behavior
Control of endocrine function
The control of the internal environment is carried out by hormones, molecules released by the glands that act as regulators of the functions of the different structures of the body.
Hormonal function is controlled in two different ways, the anterior part of the hypothalamus releases a series of substances called regulatory factors that stimulate the production of specific hormones by the hypophysis. In its posterior part it produces two substances called neurohormones, they are vasopressin and oxytocin, the first regulates the control of body fluids and blood pressure, while the latter is related to sexual pleasure and the conduct maternal or paternal protector.
The connections between the hypothalamus and the pituitary are known as the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. This is related to each of the endocrine glands of the body, giving rise to a functional unit that is regulated by a feedback system whose function is to maintain homeostasis or Balance internal.
The system operates as follows: by decreasing the level of a certain hormoneFor example, the thyroid hormones T3 and T4, the pituitary gland releases the stimulating hormone TRH, which stimulates the production of TSH by the pituitary, which in turn stimulates the thyroid to produce more T3 and T4, when levels are reached normal, the production of TRH is inhibited, disappearing the stimulus to produce TSH, thus ceasing the stimulus on the gland thyroid.
Effects of the hypothalamus on emotions
One of the functions of this brain structure is to coordinate autonomous responses to emotional states. This is what causes a physical response to occur that accompanies emotions.
Actions such as fleeing or attacking a situation are usually accompanied by manifestations such as palpitations, increased breathing, sweating, pupil dilation, stopping of bowel and urinary function. All this seeks to adapt the organism to achieve a better performance in the action that it is going to execute, since it allows to guide the consumption of Energy to the muscles to make them perform better.
Photos: Fotolia - Double Brain
Themes in Hypothalamus