Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2014
To the concept of homogeneous we use it fundamentally in two senses.
On the one hand, when in a certain situation or context we find a group whose members have features and simile, equal origins, we will say that it is a homogeneous group.
And this is precisely because the concept of homogeneous allows us to refer that this or that thing has shared characteristics or turns out to be of the same class.
This year I have had a certainly homogeneous group in the course third B, unlike last year where social differences were very marked.
So when something is said to be homogeneous it will have no or almost no difference in its composition, making it difficult for disagreements or complications to arise precisely related to the diversity.
In those groups where, for example, the differences between their members are marked and important, it is usual that it turns out to be difficult to reach agreements between the parties, because they do not come from the same place, because they do not have the same experiences and all this, of course, will lead them to dissent.
Completely different is when the opposite happens, when the members of a group come from the same place, among other coincidences, agreements are reached quickly.
In this sense, we can say that homogeneity in these cases such as those mentioned is much more positive than the substantial difference of parts.
Meanwhile, the opposing concept is that of heterogeneous, whose reference implies diametrically the opposite: a group made up of parts that do not have a common point of origin or nature.
As we said above, in some cases homogeneity is a point in favor and in others it can be a problem, and therefore decide privilege heterogeneity, above all things, because it proposes differences of positions, of nature, among others alternatives.
And on the other hand, the word homogeneous is used a lot to account for the uniformity in terms of structure and composition that can present a substance or a ready mix.
For example, it is a word widely used at the behest of the culinary field when preparing certain doughs or desserts that require the mixture that produces them to present uniform characteristics or homogeneous. Even, many times, success is here or failure of a recipe.
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