Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
The most recurrent use of the term absurd occurs when you want to refer to that which does not make sense or that is opposed and is contrary to reason, be it a fact, an action or a saying of someone.
” The theory that the investigator has proposed about the case is really absurd.”
That which makes no sense and is opposed to reason and logic
The term has a Latin origin absurdum, where precisely surdum means deaf, which we know can refer to what is not heard or does not sound as it should.
This original reference had to be extended to refer to those questions that do not present coherence or that they are not understood, that they appear ridiculous, absurd and even irrational, depending on the severity of the cases.
The absurd is said to go absolutely against the logic, that is, something absurd can be that which denies and then affirms itself.
It is impossible, as we know, that something is accepted and not accepted at the same time, therefore, if it is done it will be considered absurd.
An example so that there are no doubts, something absurd would be for Maria to accept my invitation to leave her and after two seconds she rejects it, without her having any coherent reason to do so.
We could also say that it is absurd for someone to want to dedicate themselves to medicine without having followed and approved the race.
On the other hand, the term is also frequently used to account for what is characterized by being extravagant, irrational, arbitrary, contradictory, crazy and irregular.
It is usually used in relation to garments or ornaments that someone wears or provides to their home, respectively.
Meanwhile, he is also called absurd fact or said irrational or certainly opposed to reason.
“The behavior of her in the meeting, getting up in the middle of it and lowering her pants in front of everyone was a real absurdity that no one amused.”
At the behest of the Logic the absurd is a set of propositions that inevitably lead to the negation of the same.
Now, we must say that there are many questions that in past times could have been considered absurd but that today may not be at all.
Technological advances and the contributions that science brought in many areas have generated that several questions that before could be seen as illogical today are not at all, and even more, are absolutely possible and real.
Use in humor through the introduction of incoherent or nonsensical elements
In another vein, the absurd is a frequently used literary technique especially in those humorous or parodic texts and that basically consists of the introduction of incoherent elements within a predictable framework.
Many cultural movements that have passed through history have made use of the absurd at some point; for example the pataphysics, developed in the second half of twentieth century and that was characterized by proposing a kind of parodic science that was dedicated to the study of imaginary solutions and laws that regulate exceptions.
But in addition, the term can be found associated with others, such is the case of absurd humor, which is a type of comedy that emphasizes crazy or incoherent situations to make the audience laugh.
East gender it is based especially on exaggerating situations to the limit of making no sense and that this is what makes them super fun for the public that appreciates them.
For example, a scene in which a person attends the doctor and this instead of being a professional Being human is a dog that pretends to be a doctor, even if it appears dressed in the typical doctor's apron, it will certainly be absurd content but typical of this type of proposal.
The absurdity can be increased if that medical dog checks the patient and diagnoses him.
The British group Monty pyton , which exerted its influence in the middle between the years 1969 and 1983 , is one of the greatest exponents of this type of humor.
Philosophy: the absolute does not exist
The absurdism or Philosophy of the absurd is inspired by belief that the absolute and predetermined meaning of the universe in relation to man does not exist; characterized then by its skepticism regarding the universal principles of existence.
This philosophical current is closely linked to existentialism. It has been promoted by the French philosopher and writer Albert Camus once he decided to separate himself from existentialism.
And finally, the theater of the absurd is a concept that is used to refer to a set of works written by a group of playwrights in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.
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