Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
Orchard is called the space specifically designed for the culture of vegetables, herbs and vegetables of various kinds. Both in terms of size, type of crops, irrigation system or work system, the garden can be very varied and different, adding to this the possibility that the weather or the type of land also influence the particular characteristics of each garden. This is why at the time of describe a garden one of the most important elements is the notion of a cultivated space that is generally used for consumption of the same owners or workers and not for production massive.
The garden is generally a rather small or reduced space since it is not created with the function of producing large amount of vegetables if not rather generate a useful and interesting number of crops for personal consumption and local. In this sense, the orchard differs from the farm or other types of larger agricultural production systems, although it may be part of them in some cases.
When we talk about the orchard, we refer to vegetables and fruits that are specially planted and cultivated in spaces artificially created and protected or controlled by the human being from the action of agents external. In many cases, and depending on the type of crop, a garden may need to be in ventilated but closed spaces. They can also vary in the type of irrigation, some orchards being watered manually or through the use of machinery.
Nowadays, in the face of the advancement of large cultivation spaces for mass production and consumption, orchards appear as a space of total connection between human beings and the natural environment. This is so mainly because to exist, a garden does not need to alter the space natural in an invasive mode, if not the characteristics of the same are respected and a process of feedback mutual between the crops and the land of the place. At the same time, the garden stands today as a space in which the products are much more natural, healthy and safe than those produced on a massive scale since no pollutants or insecticides are used in the production of food.
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