Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2014
The concept of anagram is used to name that word that is the result of rearranging the letters that make up another word of the same language or language. For example, Mora is the anagram of love, traffic cake, certification and rectification, among so many others that we can find in our speech.
At first glance then we can verify that each pair of indicated words is made up of the same letters, although of course, each word refers to a totally different question from the other.
Grammatically, the anagram has no relevance, while it does turn out to be widely used at the request of the practice of word games, of the creation of puzzles and even to create pseudonyms.
By the way, there are anagrams of all kinds, anagrams with cities and countries, with people's proper names, among others.
In the wit sections of some periodicals it is feasible to find ourselves together with crosswords, soups of letters, etc., to the famous anagrams, since that play on words that they propose are very attractive for those who like these activities.
It should be noted that anagrams are not creations of today, much less, but rather transpositions of words that date back hundreds of years, being the culture classical Greek who would generate and make them so famous.
Punctually the creation of him is attributed to the Greek poet Licofron, who lived back in the 3rd century BC. and that he had a importantactivity on the library of Alexandria and in the court of Ptolemy, authority who was fascinated by these.
Anagram Themes