Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2016
The term we are analyzing is part of the theory of the atom. An anion is also known as a negative ion and is an atom or a molecule that has an extra charge of one or more negative electrons. A positive ion or cation is an atom that has lost one or more electrons due to the impact of a force energetic.
The role of anions in the theory of the atom
Atoms are the basic elements that make up matter and are made up of subatomic particles, which are neutrons, protons, and electrons. Neutrons do not have electric charge, protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged. Neutrons and protons make up the atomic nucleus and electrons are found around the nucleus. In this surrounding area or orbital area it is likely to find an electron. Thus, when the atom loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion or cation and, conversely, when the atom gains electrons in its movement orbital transforms into a negative ion or anion.
Positive and negative ions in relation to health
Both positive and negative ions are part of the air and therefore this produces a balanced or unbalanced atmosphere. If there is an excess of positive ions, the quality air is adversely affected. Conversely, if the anions are high there are benefits for the body.
Positive ions are harmful to humans, as they increase pressure and acidity in the blood, weaken bones and impair all metabolic functions. On the contrary, negative ions or anions produce very positive effects. In this sense, the places near the sea or the natural spaces of Mountain are a source of negative ions, which have a wide variety of health effects: the respiratory system improves, eliminates stress and the mind is more relaxed, there is an improvement in digestive function, positive hormonal changes, among others Benefits.
In fact, when people who live in large cities spend a day in the countryside or on the beach, they have a sensation of physical well-being and this is because the atmosphere is loaded with anions.
It must be taken into account that negative ions in the atmosphere are produced as a consequence of electric discharges from lightning or by the photosynthesis plants, two circumstances that normally occur in the environment natural and not in closed spaces.
Photos: Fotolia - BillionPhotos / Sergey Nivens
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