Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2016
The concept we are analyzing has several different uses. However, in all cases it refers to a type of delimited space that presents different characteristics from other spaces.
Urban planners plan the growth of cities based on rational criteria
It must be borne in mind that the hundreds of thousands or millions of people who inhabit a city have very different daily needs. One of these needs is to enjoy an open space with elements of the natural environment (paths, trees, vegetation, etc.). These spaces are known as green areas and in them citizens can experience a certain tranquility and get away from the stress of big cities. In an area or green space it is possible to carry out all kinds of recreational and recreational activities (read a novel in the shade of a tree, walk the dog or practice sport to the air free).
In military terminology
In armed conflicts there are areas that are extremely dangerous and others in which the danger decreases. The latter are known as green areas or zones. These are specially protected enclaves whose
perimeter incorporates measures of safety extreme.Signage of space and colors
In a city, at an airport or on a map, very diverse informational elements appear before us. In order for the information to be clear and easy to interpret, colors with a specific meaning are used. In general terms, each color is associated with an idea. Red normally indicates prohibition, yellow is a danger sign, blue denotes mandatory and green has positive connotations, as it is the color of the hope.
In fact, in some cities the green areas are those in which it is allowed to park the car and in certain airports green areas are used to signal the waiting room or to indicate that a place is intended for leisure and rest for passengers. In relation to safety regulations, the green color of an area generally communicates that it is a totally safe place.
Green from the point of view of psychology
It is proven that the color of a product is decisive for consumers. We all know that the use of one color or another in our clothing expresses our state of mind.
Green is associated with nature and ecology, with the idea of freshness and good Health (If the green is intense, abundance is transmitted and if it is clear, tranquility is suggested).
Photos: Fotolia - Pio3 / Oleksandr Dibrova
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