Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2015
The acronym AVC corresponds to the concept of cerebrovascular accident. This circumstance occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in some part of the brain or well when there is a rupture of a blood vessel, in such a way that the blood supply to the brain. This causes destruction of brain tissue due to cell death, as well as permanent loss of affected brain cells. In this way, a stroke can cause problems related to speech, movement wave memory.
Possible causes of stroke
High pressure increases the risks of this type of accident, so it is advisable to check the pressure regularly. Smoking is another factor of risk, to the point that smokers are twice as likely to suffer from stroke (smoking damages the walls of the blood vessels, increases the blockage in the arteries, raises the blood pressure and all this makes the heart work harder). Cholesterol levels are also another trigger, as they can block blood vessels and cause stroke.
Diabetes patients are also at higher risk for strokes. Being overweight causes damage to the
circulatory system and this implies more options to suffer a stroke. On the other hand, there are studies that show that stroke is associated with age (the probabilities of these accidents increase with the passage of time).Most characteristic symptoms and response to them
The symptoms of stroke are diverse: sudden and sudden hiccups, pain in the face and extremities, nausea, severe chest pain, lack of air, palpitations and a weakness extreme generalized. The list of symptoms could continue: difficulty standing, blurred vision, urinary incontinence, mental confusion, drowsiness and headache.
It is important to know how to identify with speed symptoms and then go to a hospital for tests. It must be taken into account that the time factor is decisive, since the more time elapses Among the major symptoms and appropriate treatment may be the sequelae or brain injuries damaged.
How to prevent stroke
In medicine there is a general principle known to all: it is preferable to prevent problems before they appear. Thus, doctors advise a whole series of guidelines to reduce the chances of a stroke. It is advisable not to smoke, exercise regularly, eat healthy and avoid salt and food fatty and do not use drugs.
Photos: iStock - megaflopp / stockdevil
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