What is Bildungsroman?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
The growth, evolution or learning of the characters within the stories has been called Bildungsroman. Evolution allows us to understand the line of history by demonstrating the progress made. The reference points of the Bildungsroman are very diverse, as you can see there are as many as:
- Morales
- Physical
- Mental
- Educational
- Affective etc.
This phenomenon is commonly applied in literature and in the cinema, where the constructive progress of the characters is evidenced.
Example of Bildungsroman in literature:
1.- Don Quixote of La Mancha
In Don Quixote the phenomenon of Bildungsroman is exemplified in the progress that his insanity attends, where it grows, although it is to his detriment by being influenced by the knights errant books read. The Buldingsroman is the forward attitude in his insanity.
2.- The Count of Monte Cristo:
In the Count of Monte Cristo the Buldungsroman is presented in the progress of training him when he is in the jail of the castle of if with the abbe, who educates and prepares him, channeling him Edmundo Dantes in his revenge.
Example of Bildungsroman in cinema:
1.- Kik boxer:
In this film, the young man (played by Jean Clalude Vandam), is on a trip where his brother loses a fight against Tom Po, who renders him invalid paraplegic, after this he manages to be trained by Tom Po's own teacher, who prepares him to be able to defeat said rival and end the terror produced by Tom Po.
The training takes place during a period, where he is helped by a former agent to stop the mob where Tom Po is and later rescue the young niece of the coach.
2.- Dany the dog:
In the movie Dany the Dog, the bildungsroman can be seen in Dany, who after an attack is picked up by Sam the piano tuner and welcomed by Victoria, his stepdaughter, presents a series of changes that civilize Dany, who suffered from mental problems produced by early education and manipulation by Bart, who considered himself his owner and who used him as a dog for Fight.
It culminates in the discovery of the murderer of his mother and the learning of music and appreciation of it.
Example of bildungsroman in cartoons:
In the Candi Candi series:
In this series, Candi, the main character learns from life to face daily problems and vicissitudes, contemplating happiness and tragedies, as well as learning nursing and the principle of nursing and some medicine, which she uses to help the greatest number of people.