Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2017
This word acquires its true meaning depending on the context of the language in which it is used. In this sense, it is a polysemic word and, at the same time, a superlative that has negative and positive connotations.
Different uses of the word
Sometimes we make mistakes and the mistake we make makes us feel uncomfortable or ashamed. When this happens, we can say that we have made a fool of ourselves, which is equivalent to making a fool of ourselves or to screw up.
It is common to use this term in situations that are comical, absurd or that generate a certain impact in the others. If someone slips at a party in front of hundreds of people, he will probably think that he has done a lot of paperwork. It should be noted that in the world of sport when a team or an athlete fails miserably, it is said that he has played a role, which implies that his performance has been a great failure before his followers.
In Argentina, the word papelón is used as a synonym for embarrassing and the person who normally makes a fool of himself is a papelonero. Among Mexicans, making a bear is the same as making a fool. From a psychological point of view, being a fool is related to the fear of ridicule in certain situations.
Sometimes we face difficult challenges and before them we find ourselves worried, because we think that things can go wrong. In these circumstances it is possible to affirm that we have a role, that is to say, a problem that we do not know how we are going to solve.
If an actor plays a character brilliantly, in this case it can be admirably affirmed that he has played a role. Keep in mind that the word paper also means representation of a character in our language.
If two papers are glued to form a thicker one, it is a piece of paper. This use is the least frequent in the communication everyday.
A typical food and drink from Venezuela
In some countries of Latin America, especially in Venezuela, panelas or papelones are made from cooked sugar cane that is transformed into a dense molasses that finally curdles. Although this food is a typical dessert of the gastronomy Venezuelan, in other latitudes there are very similar versions although with other names.
It should be noted, on the other hand, that in Venezuela there is also the so-called papelón with lemon, a drink that is made by dissolving panela in Water and adding lemon juice to it.
Photos: Fotolia - Nomad_Soul - Winter
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