What does INRI mean?
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
According to what the sacred scriptures concentrated in the bible explain: INRI in Latin Iesus Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm, which in Spanish means Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
Brief history of INRI
According to the biblical story, on the cross the Roman soldiers placed a small poster with these initials or initials, apparently by order of Pontius Pilate, who allowed himself to be guided by the requests of the priests. In a sample for the followers of Jesus, as a mockery, when they despise and exalt him mockingly, the one who believed himself to be a King or God was crucified. Since being crucified and unable to defend himself or get rid of that deadly torture. They wanted to show that he was just a mere mortal.
As the centuries go by. The Roman Catholic Church adopts the word INRI in all images of Jesus Christ crucified and those who can look at the image will realize that a sign always appears with the word INRI. But unlike what the Bible says or explains, by then instead of being taken as an offense that meaning is now as an affirmation of what Jesus is in the life of the Christian.
After this fact, a variety of totally opposite and even absurd connotations or explanations have emerged.
So despite being in the 21st century and with modern advances both in thought, social, cultural and technological. There are those who totally deny that meaning, and give it another type of meaning. Causing it to be distorted in its total content, and assigning that meaning to Justinian who, in his time, used religion to move his people at will through religion.