Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
Passion is called that feeling or emotion very intense that a human being can profess for another, such would be the case of the strong inclination or preference that one individual manifests for another, usually of the opposite sex, but of course it can also happen that that strong wish it is also represented by a person of the same sex.
Likewise, passions, or passion, are not only reduced to human beings, but also certain tangible things, such as being a book, a music, an object, among others, can awaken in a person feelings very intense.
On the other hand, a passion may no longer be represented by a person of the same or another sex or by something, but rather a hobby such as collecting old toys, it can also be considered as a true passion that will be placed on a par with those mentioned.
Meanwhile, with the term passion we can also express something absolutely opposite to what we mentioned, since the word is also used to account for a strong suffering or suffering.
The term passion has a very special meaning within the doctrine christian, as well, Passion of Christ, is called the various physical and mental ailments that the child of God, Jesus Christ, when he was on the way to his crucifixion and later death.
All those stages and moments that comprise from the moment in which Jesus was apprehended to what we said, the crucifixion and burial of him, are known worldwide as the Passion of Christ.
Themes in Passion