Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
The concept of carnivorous we use it in our language to name that living being that eats meat. That is, the nutrition and the demand from Energy to subsist in the ecosystem carries it out exclusively on the basis of consumption meat or a diet that contains mostly meat.
Normally, animals consume this meat through the practice of predation which consists of the predatory animal hunting its prey, which will be the one that provides that meat with which to feed.
Another way is through the carrionAlthough, in this case the animal feeds on the meat of already dead animals, that is, the animal does not kill, it does not hunt another for food.
Cats, dogs, the polar bear, some bats, the coyote, the red wolf are carnivorous animals.
As the popular saying goes, nature is wise and, for example, foresees that those beings who have this provision carnivores can feed accordingly, and then, their physique is adapted for it and they have, for example, teeth and claws that will help them in this regard.
On the other side we meet the herbivores which are those animals that feed only on plants, while the human being must be located in the category from omnivore since it eats both meats and plants.
Meat is undoubtedly one of the food most widespread and consumed on our planet, especially that of animals such as cows, pigs, lambs, and this is so by the protein and minerals that will contribute to our diets.
For a long time and until today, there are many individuals around the world who condemn the consumption of meat, alluding that animals are sacrificed and killed in order to obtain it, and that in many cases this practice enjoys the most absolute virulence. The veganism and vegetarianism they oppose the consumption of meat and promote the consumption of vegetables and other foods that supplant the proteins of meats, such as lentils.
On the other hand, it is called a carnivore that plant that feeds on insects which he knows how to catch through special organs that he has in his body precisely to carry out this action.
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