Definition of Biological Sciences
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2013
The biological sciences, also called simply as biology, is the discipline what has like focus of study to organisms living and everything inherent to them, such as their origin, development, evolution and properties, including: nutrition, the development of its form, the reproduction and the pathogenesis or diseases that present.
Cells are the ones that make up life forms and have a shared biochemistry, while the genetic material of each organism is what transmits the hereditary character. The gene is the most basic unit that is inherited and is made up of a fragment of DNA of a chromosome that also codes for a protein.
Undoubtedly, biology is one of the sciences that covers the most fields of study and thus details of life can be known in its different stages and levels. For example, molecular biology and genetic biology they deal precisely with the atomic and molecular level; for its part, the biology mobileaddresses the study of cells, among many others.
It should be noted that biological sciences are also concerned with observing and describing the interactions that occur between various living species and with their environments. In this last aspect, it is very important to know the consequences that this or that action carried out by a living being, for example the human being, can trigger. Because as has already been proven, inconsiderate actions against him
environment or the natural environment, on the part of people, will lead to ecological imbalance and seriously complicate the health of the planet.Then, from their place, the biological sciences must place their focus on these interactions to prevent such nefarious actions. In this particular case, it will be ecology, branch of these sciences, which should work in terms of prevention and also in alternatives that serve to heal that part of the ecosystem damaged.
Also, when attacks on the natural environment occur, in addition to the planet, the soil, the vegetation, the fauna will be affected, while in this case it will be the zoology, the branch in charge of ensuring the survival of endangered species.
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