Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2013
The word cycle is a term that is widely used in our language and that we also use to refer to different issues, one of its most common uses is to indicate that period of time that will be considered by x situation already completed.
Time that is considered finished
“My cycle in this company has already ended, now, I need to look for other directions.”
Series of stadiums through which a phenomenon passes
On the other hand, the cycle is called set of phases, stages, through which a phenomenon with periodic characteristics will go through and after a certain time, the system, or some variables within it, make it return to the configuration that boasted.
Events that are repeated in an organized way
The word is also used with recurrence to refer to the series of phenomena that tend to repeat themselves in an organized and orderly manner.
Natural cycles: menstrual cycle, water cycle and life cycle
At the behest of nature, there are many processes and phenomena to which the characteristic of cycles can be attributed.
Let's take an example to make it more understandable, the sexual cycle of women, is the one in which the development of eggs occurs, which are the female cells that allow a woman to become pregnant.
Then, during this cycle, a series of modifications will take place in the female reproductive system with the ultimate goal of pregnancy.
The beginning of the cycle is associated with menstruation, that is, on the first day of it, while the end of the cycle is established on the day before the next menstruation.
Generally, this cycle has an extension of 28 days, which can be more or less, although those 28 days are taken as a regular measure.
For its part, the water cycle is another very popular and important cycle of nature that tells us about the process and the passage of water on our planet.
The sun generates the evaporation of water, when the vapor reaches the highest parts of the atmosphere it cools and condenses, giving way to clouds.
Meanwhile, the wind drags the clouds and rain or snow will be generated, returning the water to the earth, and becoming food for the plants.
Then that exchange that occurs between water, land and air is named water cycle.
On the other hand, we find the life cycle, it consists of the birth, development and end of the function of a certain element.
For example, a living being is born, grows, and dies, and the same happens with various issues that happen to around us and that also fulfill this cycle of appearing, developing and finally disappear…
So this concept of life cycle is used a lot by various different areas such as biology, marketing or material technology.
Culture: cultural events united by a theme
In the cultural field it is usual that the word cycle is used to refer to the series of cultural events that are linked to each other by a guiding theme. “There is a cycle of movie theater independent in the downtown cinema.”
Literature: epic traditions linked to a time, person or event
OnliteratureWe also find a reference for the word since through it the set of epic-type traditions found in relation to a period in time, a character, or a series of events.
Economic cycle
On economy This concept is also used to identify the oscillations that are generated in the movement economic of a nation and in which there is a moment of growth, which is followed by another of crisis, successively.
This cycle is composed of four stages, the first is known as boom, which is the highest moment.
It is followed by the recession, which is characterized by complex and negative situations such as the fall in employment, production and investment.
The depression is the third phase and unemployment and low consumer demand for goods and services will abound.
And in the last phase, recovery appears, in which the crisis begins to be overcome little by little, the economy will grow and will reach state one, of boom and expansion.
Education: part that integrates a curriculum
And in educational subject, is designated as cycle a each part that makes up a study plan.
There are several synonyms that are applied in relation to this word, although among the most popular we find phase and period.
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