Definition of Business Plan
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2016
To launch a new draft in the world labor or to relaunch an existing business it is very convenient to develop a strategy in advance. This strategy is known as a business plan.
The business plan is not simply a document determined but must be understood as a process through which those responsible for a business think about how a project should be carried out in order for it to be viable and profitable.
The process of developing a business plan and the importance of the marketing plan
The fundamental idea of any business plan is simple: analyze systematically an initial idea. In this way, we start from a general idea about the business in question and then this idea is analyzed according to a series of parameters: financing, legal aspects, market situation related to the activity to be carried out and aspects such as technical issues, the marketing plan or the human Resources available. If these parameters provide satisfactory information, it is possible to launch a solid business plan.
While all parameters are important, there is one aspect that is essential, the marketing plan. In a marketing plan you study who is the client objective of a business and what needs it has, what services can be offered to these clients and, in parallel, it is necessary to analyze the functioning from other similar businesses. Once you have the answers to these questions, you need to develop a marketing strategy.
The purpose of the business plan
The business plan provides three relevant elements:
1) analyze the business potential,
2) guide the day-to-day activities of a company and
3) get funding for the project.
It is advisable that once the business plan is drawn up, it is reflected in a specific document. In this way, it will be easier to explain the project to potential partners or investors. Keep in mind that a business plan is a business card presentation and if it is well done it draws attention. Experts advise that there be two versions: an extensive business plan elaborated with very precise information and a simplified plan that can be consulted easily and directly.
The key to a good business plan is to find a need that has not yet been adequately satisfied in the job market.
Photos: iStock - Mikolette
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