Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
The term Coaching is designated as that method that consists of directing, instructing and training a person or a group of individuals with the certain and clear objective that the same or they can effectively develop specific skills that tend to exploit the best of themselves themselves. Because above all, coaching, what is proposed is that the person can achieve the objectives that he proposes with the training that he carries out and that the way to do it and achieve it is through the use of his own resources and skills, always arranging them in such a way that the effectiveness be the result to obtain.
The origin of its name, coaching, is found in the English term coach, which means to train.
Coaching is basically a process that starts from the premise that it will be the coachee (who receives the coaching) who in reality has the best information and skills to solve the situations that must be faced in the environment or field in which he works, because here there will not be a little plum teacher demanding and setting the pace, but what the coach will do is facilitate his coachee to learn to
As I told you, coaching is simply a process and as such consists of six fundamental steps: observation, which will allow a global knowledge of all the options that are presented in order to achieve a choice that contributes to the search for results; taking of conscienceAt this level, the coach will bring the coachee closer to the consequences that the choices he is making may cause and will guide him in what will be the best choice; determination of objectives; sustained performance over time; measurement of the results that are obtained, if they are close to those proposed or not; committed action, because every coaching process must end with a committed action aligned with the plan.
There are many methods, meanwhile, among the main techniques used by this sophisticated teaching and learning process. achievement of objectives we can highlight the motivational talks, workshops, seminars and supervised practices.
In recent years, this type of process has been widely put into practice, especially in areas such as business and the sport and although in both contexts it has borne very good results, also, coaching has a significant number of detractors who, among other things, point out that this process lacks a concrete methodology, more than anything because of the training that many coaches present. Also, it is pointed out as a process that is exclusively oriented to obtaining results, no matter how, but only the success that is obtained.
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