Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2014
The one of cleric is a term that has a very widespread use in the religious sphere. Now, it is important to note that not all religions use it in the same sense or to refer to the same functions, anyway, we can agree that most use it to name that individual who actively displays a religious occupation, that is, involved in the religion that corresponds, either as a leader, as a bearer of the message religious, among other alternatives.
In the case of Christianity, religious in general are called clergy, such is the case of the priests. I mean, who has received sacred ordination After successfully completing the corresponding study, he will be named as a cleric.
As such, the clergyman will fit typical activities such as the job of the same, the taking of confessions to the faithful who so wish and to offer according to those who wish the rest of the sacraments.
Now, although it has a use in the language, we must point out that clergyman is not the most used term for refer to people who are actively involved in religion, much more concepts such as from
priest, priest, religious, parish priest or father.Meanwhile, in the Islam, the concept is used to name the leaders of that creed, that is, in this religious context, where politics and religion are so closely linked, clergymen, they have a incidence both in terms of political decisions and in regard to the practice of religion, which they also lead.
But there is a fairly distant use in time that, as a consequence of being a bygone era, does not have a job far from it, but it continues to be remembered for the implications that it had at that time since it was the middle Ages.
At this time in history, the clergyman did not have a connotation religious and was called that individual who presented great wisdom and was a specialist in right.