Definition of Professional Practice
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2014
To carry out a work activity, people must carry out previous studies. Over a period of time, you learn a theory, a series of knowledge and procedures which, later, will be used to apply them in the professional field.
Starting a job without prior accredited experience involves an adaptation stage. Professional practice refers to the period in which the worker becomes familiar with the processes of his profession. During it, there is a person in charge of the company who acts as a guide or tutor. This figure is key in professional practice, since the better you teach the worker, the more easily and effectively he will be incorporated into his new professional performance.
In popular language it is said that a worker is on an internship when the company that has hired him puts in functioning a training process. Through it, the company observes the capabilities of the trainee. A whole series of qualities is verified: skill technique, attitude, puntuality, behavior, etc. During a normally short period there is a
evaluation of all the factors that relate to the worker who is practicing. Precisely when you are practicing, this means that it is not intended that you still be productive, but that you become familiar with the work processes.Professional practice has another possible meaning. The concrete realization of a job. This double meaning may have an explanation: the Spanish of Spain has small differences with the Spanish of Latin America. Let's take an example. In the Spanish of Spain the idea of school dropout is discussed and in the Latin context the concept of school dropout is used.
Professional practice can also be the usual development of a profession, its daily performance. In ancient times, trades were organized by guilds. The inexperienced beginner was the apprentice. With time he gained experience and became an officer. Over the years he could become a teacher. East scheme it is not used in the same terms, but the general idea remains the same.
At present, professional practice has some peculiarities. The worker must be permanently trained and for this he takes courses in which he learns new skills. This aspect is especially relevant in professional practice, because new technological processes are modifying work activity in most sectors.
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