Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2010
In its broadest sense, the term communal refers to that which is proper to the commune or related to it..
While, the commune is that minor administrative subdivision which corresponds to a zone rural, urban or mixed, in some way, it is the equivalent of the municipality (administrative entity of a single locality or that groups several) or council (administrative body or of government of a locality) or to any other local administrative instance.
The origin of this name and of the function is found in the Middle Ages, where it was called in this way, commune, to those Italian cities that were independent of the feudal lord.
Many countries have adopted at that time and even today, this denomination of commune to refer to its basic administrative unit.
Chile, Belgium, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Colombia, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark are some of the countries in which we can find the aforementioned administrative unit.
The comune, as it is called in Italy is an entity
autonomous which represents the basic administrative unit of both the Italian provinces and regions, its main function being to take care of a large part of civil tasks. For example, when Italians or immigrants with a residence permit need to carry out some civil procedure such as the processing of some identification documentation they go to the community to manage it.
The comune, at the same time, is divided into districts which are in charge of a mayor or syndaco, such is the local denomination, which will be chosen by popular will.
On your side, the French commune or commune, as its original name indicates, is the lowest-level administrative division in France and it also comes from the tradition from middle Ages. In this case the commune is equivalent to municipalitiesMeanwhile, a commune can be from a cosmopolitan city that is home to two million inhabitants, such as Paris, a smaller city of ten thousand inhabitants, or a very small village.
And the autonomous commune, at the behest of anarchist theory, is that jurisdiction that is organized as a district with private right and self-governed and that is linked to other similar ones through the federative principle, among other issues, in it prevails the Liberty of individuals and the free contracts between them. The inhabitants establish their own political, economic, administrative and social rules.
The word communal is also used to refer to that common to population of a certain territory or municipality.
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