Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
At the request of areas such as engineering, masonry, and architecture, the word construct turns out to be very frequent since from it the act of building a certain work. “We had to build a special outlet for the water in the pool because the previous one was clogged.”
Erecting a building work
And also the work already built is designated by this term.
Within the aforementioned contexts, this sense of the word is closely related to another concept, the one of building, which designates different linked things at the same time, such as: the activity of erecting both buildings and any type of infrastructure, and to that work that has already been built, or to the work that is in a stadium of manufacturing.
Construction classes
In cities we can come across different types of characteristic constructions such as: residential (houses and apartments), those in which families live; commercial and industrial (premises, warehouses), which are those destined to a labor and economic purpose;
public works, which are those that are in charge of the national or municipal state and whose purpose is to improve the lives of the inhabitants of the city in which they are located, and the institutional ones.The national, municipal, or provincial state is responsible for the construction of various works of infrastructure that facilitate the mobilization and daily life of the inhabitants.
Causes of destruction of a construction site or building
A building construction can be destroyed accidentally or intentionally.
Earthquakes, fires, landslides caused by some factor, attacks, are some of the many causes that can trigger a construction to be damaged, or to be totally or partially destroyed.
We cannot ignore that some constructions can be destroyed as a result of having been poorly made, using poor materials, or following a poor construction plan, among others Causes.
In this last aspect we must say that it is a lack of professionalism and of responsibility tremendous on the part of builders when a home or building collapses for these reasons; It is extremely important to comply with the conditions and use appropriate materials to avoid cases of this nature.
Likewise, we must say that the state must carry out the controls of the case in the works under construction to precisely prevent landslides that will obviously affect the physical integrity of the people who live in the buildings.
Normally, this task must be carried out by municipal inspectors, who go to the work in question and verify that the requirements of safety for the workers, and that the execution plan and materials are adequate.
The professionals who are dedicated to the realization of architectural and engineering works are architects, engineers, and master builders.
They are in charge of the delineation of the general plan and hire specialized personnel in works, whom they have to direct to carry out their design.
At the university you can study engineering and architecture careers, and once you have completed satisfactory way the career, graduation is obtained and the corresponding enrollment that qualifies for to work.
Achievement of something immaterial
On the other hand, in ordinary language, the word construct is normally used in a sense symbolic, to express the realization of something intangible, that is, it is not material, following a plan and using the planned elements in an organized way to carry out the plan. “We had to build a story to get mom to leave the house and throw her surprise birthday party.”
This is how we can manifest: build a life together, a solid career and based on ethics, dreams, a better and fairer society for our neighbor, within positive issues; meanwhile, we can also use it for not so pleasant issues such as: building a lie with the mission of deceiving someone.
Grammar: ordering words to express ideas
And in the field of grammar There is also a reference for the word build, since it allows to designate the action of organizing the words of a sentence to be able to express an idea, a concept, among other alternatives..
Regarding the synonyms that this word proposes, we find that of build which is the term we use the most as such, while destroy it is the opposite word to the term that occupies us.
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