Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2011
The concept of conquest is a very broad concept that can represent very different situations from each other than without However, they share a common element: the victory or triumph of one person or one party over another, either from the force or the continued effort to convince the second part. Usually, the term is used in the military field to refer to the act of domination that a people or community exercises over another more defenseless or incapable of maintaining its sovereignty in a territory specific. However, it is also possible to speak of conquest when it is said that a person conquered the heart from another, or conquered one goal which involved great work and effort.
The idea of conquest, as it was said, always supposes the advance of one party over another, of a triumph of someone over another person or one thing. The most common use of the term is when it refers to the military or political dominance that a group of people can exercise over another group of people. people, a situation that normally involves warlike confrontations for the struggle of both parties over a common goal (territory, power political, etc).
Thus, many events in history that were characterized by those traits have been known as conquest, and one of the most important and significant was perhaps that of the conquest that the Europeans performed on the diverse and numerous aboriginal peoples of America once the two worlds met in the 15th century. This process of conquest meant the integration almost end of the world since America remained as a continent unknown, put from that moment at the service of Europe and its economic, political and military interests. The territorial conquest and politics It is not an ancient phenomenon, however, and it is common today to see current confrontations between different powers or communities confronted by the same element.
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