Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The concept of consumer is widely used in our language and is especially used at the request of the field of economyto name that one individual or organization that demands goods or services that it offers, either a producer or who provides the aforementioned goods and services. It is worth mentioning that this demand has as motivation the satisfaction of needs or, failing that, to replace the energy expenditure or damage that some good has received.
Then, the consumer who needs to satisfy a certain need through the purchase or obtaining of certain products, must carry out some type of economic operation. These operations can be very basic and simple or extremely complex and involve large corporations. For there to be a consumer, there must always be another entity on the other side that provides the service (or supplier) and a product or object that will motivate the entire operation.
The emergence of the notion of consumer is directly linked to the development of consumer societies. consumption and the advancement of new technologies that allow the mass production of elements of all kind. This production aims to reach individuals in an accessible and attractive way in order to obtain the best results in each operation. The consumer then returns to the entity to be captured by the suppliers, who make the product according to the needs of each consumer.
For many economic theorists, encouraging consumption by the individuals that make up a society is a fundamental element to energize the economy. In this way, new currencies are allowed to be generated that will then be reinvested in production and establishing an important circle purchase and sale necessary for everything economic system.
Consumer rights
Consequently, with this phenomenal advance in the production of goods and services that occurred in recent years, it was necessary to generate a channel that would ensure the interests of consumers, who were often unprotected in the face of inclement weather and unkindness of some producers or sellers, meanwhile, that is how the notion of "consumer rights".
Thus, the right Consumption or consumer law implies a set of rules that arise from the public power and that are intended to protect the user or consumer of goods and services, granting him in the relationship with sellers, suppliers, a series of rights and also of obligations.
It is worth noting that consumer law is a discipline within the law and that has elements of both the commercial law, civil, administrative and procedural.
Basically, consumer law seeks to establish and protect the rights of each consumer in order to prevent providers (especially when they large companies and corporations involved) abuse their power over them inappropriately (for example, by altering prices, lowering product quality, not complying with what was promised on the labels, not providing all the services promised to the consumer, not alerting them to the general conditions of the contract, etc.).
On the other hand, consumer law must ensure that the minimum standards of quality of the goods and services offered to the consumer are met; You will also have to: attend to the regulation of the advertising and the offers that are directed to the consumer public, establish special procedures with the objective that consumers can defend themselves in the organisms public that are created in order to protect them, stipulate the infractions of the producers and the corresponding sanctions, among others.
In this way, consumers today have a much higher awareness of their possibilities, rights and opportunities in a world in which competition Productivity is getting bigger and bigger and they also have a state body to contact when they feel cheated, cheated by a manufacturer, supplier or seller.
Consumption of drugs
Referring to the concept of consumer, we cannot ignore that in addition to the widespread use that the word in the sense mentioned above, likewise, it is common for this term to be used to denote to that person who repeatedly consumes illegal and psychoactive drugs, such is the case of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, LSD, among other. When someone is said to be a consumer of this or that drug, it is because there will already be a significant dependence on it, that is, the use of the drug is almost daily.
The illegal drugs mentioned generate in almost all users, without exceptions, a very strong dependence that When the time comes to want to quit, it can trigger serious problems such as depression, withdrawal syndrome, among others.