Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
The word position is used mainly to designate those spaces more or less planned and set up in a marketing center or commercial and whose objective is to sell and offer certain types of products or services. Stalls are generally structures that can vary greatly in terms of size but are often characterized by being rather unstable or easy to assemble so that they can be disassembled and replaced day a day. This is one of the main differences between stalls and premises, establishments located in stronger buildings or architectural structures.
The positions can be of a very varied type. First of all, you can find different styles of stalls in regards to the product offered. In this sense, the stalls can sell food frescoes, crafts, antiques, clothing items, rarities, magazines, furniture and more. Also, depending on the protection and safety you have the stall, you can find examples of stalls that sell more expensive and exclusive products such as technology and other elements. In addition, many stalls do not have the main objective of selling products or services, but rather are spaces of solidarity so that the
people come out and commit yourself to a special cause.Stalls can also be differentiated around whether they are located in designed spaces specifically for them (such as fairs or shopping centers) or if they are located in isolation in public roads. At the same time, the difference between the stalls that are set up in fairs and those that are located within a shopping center is noticeable, since these The latter tend to be much more modern, clean and comfortable, although they are generally not intended to be assembled and disassembled overnight.
Finally, positions can also be categorized according to whether or not they meet the law. Many positions, especially those located in places specially established for the activity, they comply with the tax and healthiness, but many others, organized spontaneously and momentarily, may not follow safety, health or tax regulations, for which they become a danger and they must be controlled to avoid all kinds of problems.
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