Definition of Organizational Psychology
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Ago. 2014
The psychology it is a science that can be applied to different areas. Psychology can not only be applied to people in an individual way as it happens when a patient goes to the consultation of a psychologist, but psychology can also be applied to people. organizations that are made up of people. Organizational psychology or work psychology studies precisely the habitual behaviors of the worker in companies, the roles that he can play and the conflicts common in the work environment.
The importance of organizational psychology
The psychology applied to work and organizations is very important because beyond a company being motivated by factors economic (this is the case when a business is profitable) within any company there are human issues, such as conflicts of communication, interpersonal problems, lack of leadership, lack of team spirit, ego struggles... Organizational psychology further shows that functioning optimal of a team Working is a complex process because each person has their own story.
And for an organization to function properly, each member of that organization has to feel good about himself and fully developed. It is enough that one element of the system is in conflict so that the discomfort can splash the rest of the team members.
Analysis of each piece of the puzzle that makes up a company
Psychology organizational It studies in depth the function of the worker and his relationship with the system of which he is a part, that is, he takes into account this constant interaction. Obviously, a company is structured according to a hierarchy of strata with the aim of establishing a specialization of tasks, a coordination in the team and a specific order. All the layers of the pyramid are equally important because they serve a function.
Each member of the system must know very well the role they play and adjust to the expectations that the system has placed on them. Otherwise, when he does not assume her condition, internal struggles occur in the system's sneo, conflicts that seek to be resolved.
Knowing how to work for the good of all, putting aside individualism
One of the keys to the proper functioning of an organization is to start from the basic premise that the common good is above individual interest. Therefore, the successes are shared but the defeats also. Think in the common good it reduces all selfishness and all desire for protagonism. Attitudes that hinder proper coordination in a work team in which there must always be a leader who directs optimally.
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