Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The word Thank you is he term most used in our language to express to someone gratitude and gratitude for something.
Expression of gratitude and gratitude in the Spanish language
In other words, it is the most widespread formula in the Spanish-speaking world for externalize gratitude.
Thus, when someone gives us something, he attends us somewhere in a considerate way, or helps us in the performing a task, among others, we use this word to show that we are grateful for the treatment provided.
For its part, gratitude is that feeling of recognition that arises in someone after perceiving a certain benefit.
Immediately after receiving such benefit, the individual will have the need to pay attention to the person in question.
We could assert, without a doubt, that the manifestation of gratitude through a word is universal, that is, one word is used throughout the world, which will vary from language to language, but it is the most usual way in which we express appreciation and gratitude for something.
In our Spanish language, the word is the one already mentioned, thank you.
We feel like saying thank you when we positively value a attitude or behavior of another, either towards us or towards a third party.
We must say that gratitude is manifested both in hyper-daily and domestic issues, such as thanking the in charge of the building that opened the door of the house, even the thanks that are given to a doctor for saving the life of a being Dear.
Gestures and actions that accompany the thank you
Meanwhile, expressing thanks, usually consists of the first manifestation of the gratitude that is felt and usually comes accompanied by some other attention, such as a gift, a speech of thanks, a note in which the gratitude, or a commentary special highlighting that demonstrated predisposition.
Gestures are also widely used to express thanks for something, such as a smile, a pat on the back, a kiss, a caress, the raising of the thumb, among the most common.
Why we commonly appreciate
Among the most recurrent questions that we human beings are grateful for are: the favor that someone does us to go and find something; a gift is always a matter for which we express our thanks to the one who gives it to us; the help that someone gives us regarding something will also trigger a feeling of gratitude and the expression from the famous thank you for that facilitated, among other alternatives.
On the other hand, when we feel gratitude, that feeling generates and awakens a well-being that we want to communicate and transfer, and for that matter, we need to transmit it in some way.
It is also very human to feel the need to be thanked if we did something for the other that deserves to be thanked; Of course, the ideal is to do things in a disinterested way for the other, but it is always expected even if it is a thank you, or a demonstration of it, if we did something nice for someone.
If this does not happen we will feel devalued and sad.
The other side is ingratitude, which of course will be valued in our culture in a negative way, considered as an inappropriate, not correct, and even cruel action.
Greek mythology: goddesses representing valued and positive issues of culture
On the other hand, in the Greek mythology , the Graces, or also known as Cárites, were the goddesses who represented super positive and valued issues in Hellenic culture such as: the beauty, the creativity, charm, nature and even fertility.
Traditionally there were three Graces: Aglaya or Beauty, Euphrosine or Jubilee, and Thalia or Festivities.
Regarding their parents, it has been speculated that they were daughters of Zeus and Eurinome, or Hera and Dionysus, and even Helios and Egle.
On the other hand, the Graces, held a prominent presence within Greek culture since, for example, it was said that they were part of the retinue of the goddess Aphrodite, that circulated through the Underworld and that they had a connection with the so-called Eleusinian mysteries.
Meanwhile, the importance in the culture was such that they even had a river consecrated to them, the Cefiso and they had their own festivities in which they were honored, such is the case of the charisias, in which it was a ritual to eat a honey cake.
And Thanks is the name of a city cited in the Republic from Honduras, more precisely in the department of Lempira.
Its origin dates back to the year 1536 in which it was founded by the Spanish Gonzalo de Alvarado y Chávez, within the framework of domination Spanish.
To date, it has a little more than thirty thousand inhabitants.
Themes in Thank you