Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The place where all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits are sold to the public is known as a greengrocery store. The greengrocer can be both a establishment individual or part of a Supermarket or larger market in which several stalls offer different types of merchandise. It is common for greengrocers to be one of the most colorful businesses due to the variety of tones in the fruits and vegetables displayed there.
Considered one of the food most important and basic of any diet, fruits and vegetables should be eaten fresh and that is why greengrocers must receive and dispatch their merchandise daily in order to avoid wasting food that loses its conditions of healthiness. In the greengrocers the prices of the merchandise are changed day by day according to the type of product, its freshness, availability and its expiration date, unlike what happens with other non-perishable products.
In greengrocers it is normal to find a wide variety of vegetables (leafy, heavy,
vegetables), as well as fruits of all kinds. Depending on each greengrocer, other products such as nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.) can also be sold, spices, non-perishable warehouse products, ready-to-eat salads and even foods made based on these vegetables.The type of attention that each greengrocer has will also change according to the type of greengrocer that is being discussed. In this sense, while neighborhood greengrocers are usually staffed by employees, the sections of greengrocers located inside supermarkets have the habit of displaying the products so that the same client You can choose the items that you like the most and according to your needs. In the latter case, the amount of merchandise displayed is large and has to do with the demand daily of products that, in comparison with the small greengrocers, it is much larger.
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