Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2010
Violence is understood to be those acts that have to do with the exercise of a force verbal or physical on another person, animal or object and that has as a result the generation of damage on that person or object voluntarily or accidentally. Violence is one of the most common acts of the human being (although this is not exclusive to him, but it also occurs among others living beings) and it is difficult to determine for sure if human beings are capable of living in society without exercising any type of violence. Violence can also be exerted by a person on himself.
Violence is considered to be the act of exercising some type of aggression on another or on oneself. This act of aggression involves damage or destruction through very diverse methods that can range from the physical and bodily even the verbal and emotional. Although in most cases the violence is explicit and visible, many times, the presence of violence can be tacit or implicit. In these cases, it is exercised from actions such as subliminal persecution, implicit censorship and
self control expected to be generated in different individuals.The resort to violence may be related to the action of an individual or a group of individuals, but also, and in many cases it is here when it reaches its greatest reach, it can be exercised for organisms or institutions from which violent, discriminatory and aggressive messages are transmitted towards the population. Typically, the results of such violence (such as that exercised by authoritarian states throughout history) are clearly evident in societies that can enter into serious conflicts and fights between Yes.
There are different types of violence that are generally exerted on some social groups or more vulnerable individuals such as women, kids, the young, the elderly, some ethnic groups traditionally despised in some environments, religious groups and minorities of various kinds.
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